
Agama courses provide full knowledge of a deep esoteric system of self-development created for those who are genuinely interested in spiritual evolution. We are also related to other centers and teachers worldwide that provide similar or parallel education. Due to the specific nature of the teachings, our courses are divided into consecutive one-month blocks of study. The entire curriculum begins with our classic First Level Intensive Course.

This beginners’ course is a step-by-step approach to Yoga, in the secret oral tradition. It requires no preparation or previous knowledge. The lessons start with simple information and exercises, and gradually continue with more complex and stronger techniques.

Joining in

A remarkable feature of the Agama teachings is the cyclical format of courses. The teachings have been structured so that any student may join, for example, the introductory First Level Intensive Course at any time (this course is taught every month in Thailand), and continue his or her studies as opportunity allows. This course is especially designed so that newcomers can comfortably fit in at any stage, and it is possible to join it for shorter periods (for example, on a weekly or daily basis), or to complete it in small sections, over longer periods of time.

The same course structure applies to all of our intermediate and advanced classes. We normally hold the second and third levels of the course monthly, and intermediate / advanced levels twice per year (check Calendar for complete course offerings). Students join us as their time and means allow, studying perhaps two months with us over winter, then they return to work in their home country and plan to synchronize with successive course levels during the following year’s holiday. In this way, a student may progress through the curriculum conveniently and easily.

Course supplements

Each class is accompanied by printed materials containing comprehensive information about the new techniques of the day, as well as various other esoteric topics. Teachers are always available to answer questions and to offer personal guidance, counseling, and healing. Films and documentaries on relevant topics are shown whenever possible, in the evenings after the lectures.


All those successfully completing the First Month Intensive Course are awarded a certificate. This takes place during a special graduation ceremony and social evening at the end of each course. Certificates are also awarded to students who successfully pass various sash degree examinations, given at periodic stages throughout the curriculum to verify progress and competency with the course material and general spiritual advancement.

Higher level courses

While the First Level Intensive Course gives a deep understanding of Yoga, it is still only an appetizer to what Yoga actually is and what it can do for you and the rest of the world. In this spirit, Agama offers a course of university-level quality, in which knowledge expands and the practice builds on itself as you progress on your spiritual journey. Once you have completed the introductory course, you may continue your studies with the second month course, the third month course, and so on, at one of our centers. This education stretches over a period of several years (see Curriculum Overview) although, as mentioned above, each individual may study in fractional periods as convenience allows. The Agama courses offer an A-to-Z approach to Yoga and many related topics, enabling you also to eventually become a spiritual Yoga teacher and a bearer of this flame of knowledge in the world.


Your first day of the 'First Level Intensive Yoga Course' is always free.  We offer daily, weekly and monthly payment options. If you choose the monthly option, you will receive the course papers as a bound manual, instead of receiving papers each day.

For beginner levels of study (Levels 2 and 3), monthly fees are set, and classes meet three times per week, for approximately 3,5 hours per class. Starting with intermediate-level study (from Level 4), fees are also monthly and classes meet twice weekly for about 4 hours per class.

All prices and further information on registration can be found here.

We offer the possibility to pay for your courses online, and there is even a guide to troubleshooting the Paypal and credit card options (linked).  Additional information on courses, prices, registration, payments and refunds can be found in our Administrative Policies.

We freely extend our First Level Intensive Yoga Course to Thai citizens without any payment.ment.

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