Private consultations / classes / workshops are always offered based on teacher and hall availability. During some months in the year, mainly January – March, the regular schedule is very busy, during these busy months we might not be able to accommodate your request at all. The same applies to month in which we are short on teachers. So when asking for a private consultation, class or level, be aware that we cannot guarantee that we can fulfill your request. If that is the case we will try to accommodate your needs partially, or suggest a different time for the request.

Process of Request:

  1. Fill in the online private consultation and class request form
  2. Your request will be processed by the Teaching Department Manager, who will get in touch with you to discuss exactly what kind of consultation/class/level/workshop you need and to determine if it can be arranged within the desired time-frame.
  3. If a consultation/class/level/workshop is approved the Teaching Department Manager will send you a PayPal payment link.
  4. When you have paid, email the payment receipt to the Teaching Department Manager (this way we can process and schedule the session faster).
  5. When the receipt is received the Teaching Department Manager will schedule the consultation/class/level and inform the teacher and the student(s) of the location and time. In the case of a Private Consultation the teacher and student will be connected via email to decide on a place and time.

Private Consultation
2 hrs – 1500 THB

*Private consultations are offered based on teacher availability and the price includes 1 person.

In a personal consultation you get the opportunity to ask a senior Agama teacher questions about your practice, challenges and anything else related to your spiritual studies.

As a level 1 student you can book a free 15 minutes consultation with the Beginner Level Coordinator (you sign up on a sheet in the Enlightenment Hall once the course has started). So before requesting a personal consultation you might want to consider if a talk with the Beginner Level Coordinator is enough.

Please note that for health related issues please contact the Agama Healing Center for a health consultation.

Private Half Class
2 hrs – 1500 THB

*Private classes are offered based on teacher availability and the price includes 1 person.

The following can be received as a Private Half Class:

  1. A make-up class for a level 1 class that you have missed
  2. The re-taking of a sash exam
  3. To watch a video lecture (if you need to make-up a class in order to continue with your next level, this option is not valid)
    A make-up class for an initiation that you have missed

Private Full Class
4 hrs – 2500 THB

*Private classes are offered based on teacher availability and the price includes 1 person.

If you need to complete one or several classes of your current level (level 2 – 24) in order to continue with your next level, and you cannot wait until the level is offered on the main calendar the next time, you can request one or several Private Full Class(es). After completing a Private Full Class you will have gained full attendance of that specific class and can thus move on with your studies.

Please note that one level class equals one Private Full Class. This means you cannot receive lectures and initiations from several level classes in one Private Full Class.

Private Level 2 & 3
12 classes / 42 hrs – 25000 THB

*Private levels are offered based on teacher availability and the price includes 1 to 3 people. If 4 people ask for a private level, then each pays the regular course level fee.

If you need to complete a full level 2 or 3 in order to continue with your next level, and you cannot wait until the level is offered on the main calendar the next time, you can request a Private Level. After completing a Private Level you will have gained full attendance of the level and can thus move on with your studies.

Private Level 4+
8 classes / 32 hrs – 15000 THB

*Private levels are offered based on teacher availability and the price includes 1 to 3 people. If 4 people ask for a private level, then each pays the regular course level fee.

If you need to complete a full level 4+ in order to continue with your next level, and you cannot wait until the level is offered on the main calendar the next time, you can request a Private Level. After completing a Private Level you will have gained full attendance of the level and can thus move on with your studies.

Private Tantra Workshop
Per session, per person / 3 hrs – 3500 THB

*Private Tantra Workshops are offered based on teacher availability and the price is per person, for individuals, couples, or small groups. These are intended for those who do not synchronize with our regularly held Tantra workshops while visiting Koh Phangan, or who would simply like a private and customized experience.

These workshops are generally a distillation of the main theory and some practical exercises from our Taste of Tantra Workshop. Multiple sessions can be booked over one day or several days; subjects may also be catered to personal requests, drawing from our regular Tantra workshop offerings (Essence of Tantra, Tantra of Relationships, Evolving through Tantra). There are no explicit sexual presentations or nudity whatsoever in our Tantra workshops; you do not need a partner to book this event.


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Please indicate the amount (number) of consultations/classes you want.
Please write, as detailed as possible, when you need the consultation/class/level. The longer time we have to fulfill your request the more possible it will be.

Explain why you need/want the private consultation, class or level

E.g. do you need a make-up class in order to continue with your studies?