Active Status Fee 

Pay your active status fees here

Active Status Fee
Agama teachers and centers need to pay the active status fee prior to 5 pm December 31, 2017, GMT in order to utilize the discount. No discounts will be given after December 31, including to advanced teachers!

1) Hatha Yoga Teacher
- Before December 31: 2700 THB
- After January 1: 4500 THB

2) Tantra Instructors
- Before December 31: 3200 THB 
- After January 1: 5400 THB 

3) Hatha Yoga Teacher and Tantra Instructor
- Before December 31: 3200 THB  *
- After January 1: 5400 THB **

* If a teacher has paid the Hatha Yoga active status fee (discount) and decides before December 31 to also be active as a Tantra instructor, he or she may pay the discounted Tantra fee (3200 THB) minus what has already been paid (2700 THB), such that total fees of 3200 THB have been paid ultimately. 

** If a teacher has paid the Hatha Yoga active status fee (discounted or full) and decides after January 1 to also become active as a Tantra instructor, he or she may pay the full Tantra fee (5400 THB) minus what has already been paid (so either 2500 or 4500), such that total fees of 5400 THB have been paid ultimately.

Teachers who do not pay their active status fee can still teach Yoga, as is their right as an Agama Yoga teacher training graduate. But teachers who do not have active status are not permitted to represent themselves as Agama teachers, use the Agama logo or brand, access the Agama online Teachers’ Resources, or teach at an Agama center. If you are not active the students you teach will not be able to count the classes they have studied with you into their study history, nor to transfer into their current study level when coming to an Agama center or school.

Teachers who are inactive and have not taught within an official Agama center in the last five years need to return to an Agama center/school led by a teacher of at least Title 4 to do a teaching assessment (including assistance and/or holding classes). These assessments are free of charge.

Agama teachers and centers need to pay the active status fee prior to 5 pm on December 31, 2017, GMT. 


Agama Appreciation Points

• All active Agama teachers (up to Title 4) who teach at Agama Thailand receive Agama Appreciation Points for teaching in the school. All activities and classes generate points. The points are made available about two weeks after each cycle of teaching.
• By teaching 8 level classes in one cycle (Levels 4-24) a teacher receives enough Appreciation Points to cover a course level (Level 4+). This replaces the old arrangement where teachers got their current course level for free by teaching for one cycle.
• All classes, including assisting, leading meditations, giving initiations, and other extracurricular activities generate points. Classes and extracurricular activities have slightly varying rates and will thus generate different amounts of points.
• All supported administrative positions at Agama Thailand receive a monthly bonus of Appreciation Points.
• Agama Appreciation Points are not redeemable in cash and they cannot be used to pay for courses for someone else.
• Agama Appreciation Points may be used to pay, in full or in part, for any Agama course. For courses held by guest teachers ("external events") Agama points can only partly be used (for exact information for a specific course please ask at Registration).
• Agama Appreciation Points can be used when signing up for a course, workshop, or retreat, either online or at the Agama Thailand Registration Office.

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Register as an Active Teacher in 2018 

Agama teachers and centers need to pay the active status fee prior to 5 pm December 31, 2017, GMT or the fee will increase to 4500 THB. All payments must be received and processed by this date so it is strongly recommended to pay the fees prior to Christmas to avoid administrative difficulties and late processing.

To be active you must be a graduate of an Agama Teacher Training Course (500 HR) or Internal Teacher Training Course at Agama Thailand, or have an endorsement from Swami Vivekananda to teach given prior to 2008. 

Agama’s TTC graduates have different rates for the active status fees paid during the year of their graduation, depending on which month they graduated.

Please submit a teacher's biography and promotional materials for the website once you choose to become active. Please complete the Teachers' Profile Form (here) and send it along with a high-resolution (600 x 400 pixels), landscape (horizontal-orientation) photo of yourself to

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Reporting Of Teaching Hours  

Teacher title advancement occurs every year in January and all teachers who are eligible to advance titles must submit their active teaching hours by December 31 annually.

All Koh Phangan teaching schedules exist in the online Teachers’ Resources. If you have not kept your hours monthly you can easily go back to each cycle schedule and count your hours.

Title progression is dependent on meeting the minimum requirements listed further below.

Active teaching hours counted toward title advancement must consist of a minimum 50% core Agama teaching activities and maximum 50% non-core Agama teaching activities. Activities which are not considered Agama teachings will not count toward teacher title advancement at all.

Teaching hours accumulate each year that you teach as an active Agama teacher; the hours are recorded by the Agama Teaching Department.

The Teaching Activity Report can be downloaded from our Teachers' Resources; it is found under the Administrative Materials category.

You do not have to teach in order to maintain active status.

In 2017 the following teachings will be accepted as core teaching hours for teacher title advancement:

  • Drop in Agama Yoga classes

  • Course level classes (Levels 1-24)

  • Initiations (bija mantras, Cosmic Powers)

  • Personal training or makeup classes

  • Agama Dynamic and Meditative Sadhana classes

  • Level 1 evening lectures

  • Agama workshops (if the teacher is qualified and confirmed)

  • Agama retreats (if the teacher is qualified and confirmed)

  • Agama teacher training classes and lectures

  • Agama teacher training practicum supervision

  • Therapeutic one-on-one Yoga training sessions (not first consultations - AYTC graduates only)

The following activities can be counted as non-core teaching hours:

  • Hosting meditations (anahata, Shambhala, phowa, and others as approved)

  • Assisting (counts as one-third of actual time spent, thus three hours of assisting counts as one core teaching hour)

  • Leading bhajans

  • Conducting Agama teacher quality assurance assessments

Teaching hours accumulation will be recorded cumulatively and there is no requirement for a yearly quota to maintain active status. Hours records will be maintained in the teachers file by the Agama Teaching Department.

The Teaching Activity Report form can be downloaded from the forms page.

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Delivering Agama Teachings to the World

To ensure quality and correct teachings are given and students continue properly in the Agama system, only Active Agama teachers can teach Agama anywhere in the world. Non-active teachers are not permitted to teach, broadcast or distribute Agama materials or teachings.

All students taught by Active Status Teachers will have their classes recognized by Agama Thailand if the students are properly registered within our system. To register students please send the ‘International Students Report’ to the Agama Global Network coordinator ( The form can be downloaded from our Teachers online resources, it is found under the Administrative Materials category.

Student attendance must be submitted within 7 days of the course end date ensuring they are registered in Agamas database. Students attending courses running at Agama Thailand will automatically be registered.

Student registration will not be accepted if the form is not filled out completely. 

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Privileges And Conditions For Active Agama Teachers

Upon graduation of an Agama Teacher Training Course certain privileges and conditions apply.

Active Agama teachers are empowered to teach Agama curriculum according to their title anywhere in the world with the blessing of Agama.

Active Agama teachers are considered ‘Nomadic’ when not teaching in an Agama Center.

Active Agama teachers can:

  • Hold drop in classes such as ‘0’ level Agama style Hatha, Dynamic or Meditative sadhana - no registration required

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), teach Agama course levels 1-3 and represent the teaching as Agama - registration required

  • As a Nomadic teacher, teach levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center with the appropriate charter, teach any course level that is 7 levels below the teacher’s own level of study

  • Lead workshops and retreats according to their level of empowerment - registration required

  • Hand out Agama copyrighted materials to students of registered and approved Agama courses (official policies for handing out Agama materials will be posted on the website during 2017, for any urgent clarification contact the Agama Teaching Department)

Agama Teachers outside of an official Agama Centre cannot:

  • Set up a permanent venue or permanent signage displaying the Agama Name or Logo

  • Offer Yoga classes of Level 4 or higher under the name Agama without having the approval of Swami and the Agama Teaching Department

  • Offer workshops, retreats or teachings higher than their empowerment under the name Agama

  • Teach or represent themselves as Agama within Agama Protected Territory without permission from the respective Agama Center

  • Use the name Agama in any way contrary to the Terms and Conditions

To register as an Active Teacher for 2017 and fulfill all the requirements click here

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Agama Teacher Titles and Title Conditions 

Agama distinguishes Teachers and Gurus, with titles numbered 0 through 7. The titles are: 


  • 0. (Aspirant Instructor)

  • 1. Yoga Parichaya (Instructor)

  • 2. Yoga Shikshaka (Advanced Instructor)

  • 3. Yoga Shiromani (Teacher)

  • 4. Yoga Adhyapaka (Advanced Teacher)

  • 5. Yoga Acharya (Senior Teacher/Founder).



  • 7. GRAND YOGA MASTER / Jagat Guru

After successfully completing the Agama ATTC (or the Agama ITTC plus assistance and teaching assessment) and successfully passing the required examinations and preliminary teaching requirements, all teachers start out as title 1 instructors.



All Internal TTC (ITTC) graduates are given a ‘Title 0’ status. This is a license to begin teaching under supervision or with a special (limited and temporary) permission.

‘Title 0’ instructors cannot become officially active. Therefore, they may not have an online biography or access to the Teachers’ Online Resources, nor may their students be officially recognized within the Agama network when taught outside Agama Centers.

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1st TITLE: INSTRUCTOR / Yoga Parichaya 

Can teach:

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), levels 1-3 as taught in Agama Thailand

  • As a Nomadic teacher, levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center with the appropriate charter, any course level 1-14 that is 7 levels below the teacher’s own level of study

  • No empowerment to teach or Initiate Laya Yoga

  • Can make suggestions for practice but cannot advise a tapas 

Requirements for Title 1:

  • A teacher receives by default the title of INSTRUCTOR / Yoga Parichaya by successfully graduating either the 500 HR Agama Teacher Training Course (ATTC) or the Agama Internal Teacher Training Course (ITTC).

  • Successful passing of the Red Sash exam.

  • SENIOR YOGA TEACHER (FOUNDER) / Yoga Acharya (or higher) must approve Title 1 Instructor status. Receives Agama Credits for courses taught at Agama Training Centre Thailand and must attend teachers’ meetings and join the Google (Gmail)-based teachers’ group to qualify.

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Can teach:

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), levels 1-3 as taught in Agama Thailand

  • As a Nomadic teacher, levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center with the appropriate charter, any course level 1-14 that is 7 levels below the teacher’s own level of study

  • No empowerment to teach or Initiate Laya Yoga

  • Can make suggestions for practice but cannot advise a tapas

Requirements for Title 2:

  • INSTRUCTOR / Yoga Parichaya may advance from Title 1 to Title 2 after having taught as an Active Agama Teacher for minimum 24 months and upon accumulating a total of 250 active teaching hours.

  • Successful passing of the Yellow Sash exam.

  • SENIOR YOGA TEACHER (FOUNDER) / Yoga Acharya (or higher) must approve Title 2 Advanced Instructor status. Receives Agama Credits for courses taught at Agama Training Centre Thailand and must attend teachers’ meetings and join the Google (gmail)-based teachers’ group to qualify

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3rd TITLE: TEACHER / Yoga Shiromani

Can teach: 

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), levels 1-3 as taught in Agama Thailand

  • As a Nomadic teacher, levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center with the appropriate charter, levels 1-14

  • Can give chakra bija mantras and mula mantra initiations, with a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru’s (or higher) empowerment (but not yet the mantras of the Maha Vidyas)

  • May lead retreats and workshops with the empowerment and permission of a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher)

  • May advise and supervise personal tapas of pupils

Requirements for Title 3:

  • ADVANCED INSTRUCTOR / Yoga Shikshaka may advance from Title 2 to Title 3 after having taught as an Active Agama Teacher for minimum 30 months and upon accumulating a total of 400 active teaching hours.

  • Successful passing of the Green Sash exam.

  • Completion of two main Agama workshops (Tantra, Art of Dying, Metaphysics, Kashmiri Shaivism, Complete Femininity/Vira Training, Tibetan Yoga, Raja Yoga, Astrology 1-2).

  • SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher) must approve Title 3 Teacher status.Receives Agama Credits for courses taught at Agama Training Centre Thailand and must attend teachers’ meetings and join the Google (gmail)-based teachers’ group to qualify

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4th TITLE: ADVANCED TEACHER / Yoga Adhyapaka

Can teach:

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), levels 1-3 as taught in Agama Thailand

  • As a Nomadic teacher, levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center with the appropriate charter levels 1-14, and with empowerment by Swami Vivekananda Saraswati levels 15-24

  • May give the mantras of the Maha Vidyas with the approval of a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher)

  • May lead retreats and workshops with the empowerment and permission of a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher)

  • May teach Kashmiri Shaivism with empowerment from a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher)

  • May advise and supervise personal tapas of pupils

Requirements for Title 4:

  • TEACHER / Yoga Shiromani may advance from Title 3 to Title 4 after having taught as an Active Agama Teacher for minimum 60 months and upon accumulating a total of 750 active teaching hours.

  • Completion of the Chakra Tapas.

  • Completion of three Agama retreats (Crown Chakra, Third Eye, Serpent Power, New Year, Awakening of the Spirit, Kashmiri Shaivism, ATI).

  • SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher) must approve Title 4 Advanced Teacher status and make personal evaluation of the teacher’s Kundalini and Maha Vidya expertise. Attends all of Agama’s activities for free, not including invitational teachers’ activities or TTC modules



Can teach:

  • As a Nomadic teacher (that is, outside of an official Agama Center), levels 1-3 as taught in Agama Thailand

  • As a Nomadic teacher, levels 1-3 taught as longer-term, slower-paced programs, as outlined in the Teachers’ Manual

  • As a teacher in an official Agama Center, levels 1-24

  • May give the mantras of the Maha Vidyas

  • May lead retreats and workshops with the empowerment and permission of a SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher)

  • May supervise Chakra Tapas Program

  • May lead Kashmiri Shaivism teachings

Requirements for Title 5:

  • ADVANCED TEACHER / Yoga Adhyapaka may advance from Title 4 to Title 5 after having taught as an Active Agama Teacher for minimum 84 months and upon accumulating a total of 1000 active teaching hours.

  • Parabija Initiation.

  • Completion of Agama’s Advanced Teachings Program (4 years).

  • SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru (or higher) must approve Title 5 Senior Yoga Teacher status.Attends all of Agama’s activities for free, not including invitational teachers’ activities or TTC modules

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Elevation to the Title of Guru qualifies for the White Sash Degree, as a symbol of spiritual realization

Can teach:

  • All of Agama’s Yoga curricula, including Kashmiri Shaivism

  • May lead any retreats and workshops

  • May create new curricula in Agama

Requirements for Ttile 6:

  • There is no teaching hours requirement for attaining Title 6.

  • Agama SENIOR YOGA TEACHER (FOUNDER) / Yoga Acharya may advance from Title 5 to Title 6 after personal evaluation of spiritual realization from at least two SPIRITUAL MASTER OF YOGA / Yoga Guru.

  • All of Agama’s activities for free, including invitational teachers’ activities

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Jagat Guru is an honorary degree bestowed after a minimum of 144 months (recommended after 25 years) of teaching. This Title grants the honorary Gold Sash Degree, as a symbol of Self Realization.

Can teach:

  • No Limitation to teachings

Requirements for Title 7:

  • Establishment of long-lasting Yoga schools and centers.

  • Accomplished exceptional achievements in Yoga and spirituality.

  • Must pass ownership of any Agama Centre to a suitable heir of appropriate Teacher Title without compensation and vow to serve humanity as a divine manifestation in pure faith and universal Grace.

  • This title requires the nomination and acknowledgement by at least three other SPIRITUAL MASTERS OF YOGA / Yoga Gurus (or up).

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Agama Charters and Agama Centres policy 

An Agama teacher who continuously and exclusively holds classes in a leased or owned venue with permanent Agama signage must apply and Initiate a chartered Agama centre.

Agama Centers operate throughout the world legally endorsed and certified to deliver Agama Teachings.

There are advantages to opening an Agama Centre:

• Consistency in teaching Agama style can built a network through that local community.

• Higher level Agama Teachings can be delivered in Chartered Centers ensuring a progression for longer term students.

• Chartered Agama Centers which have a permanent venue have an automatically protected territory which allows the Centre to insure itself from competition from other teachers moving into the area and teaching Agama.

• Agama Centers are a major part of the Agama Global Network and attract students from all over the world who are travelling and wish to continue their studies.

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Teaching In An Agama Studio Or Centre

The Principal of an Agama Centre must ensure that all teachings delivered within their Agama Centres comply with the rules for Agama Centres and Agama teachings.

A teacher or a group of teachers can start up as an Agama Studio as an entry phase to the network. Later on Agama Centres are always initiated as Red Charter Centres and then the Charter can be increased by an application for permanent charter increase or by a Temporary Charter Increase (see below).

Agama Centres operate under 7 different charters to teach Yoga around the world. The Principal of an Agama Centre is permitted to teach or supervise teaching of approved Agama Courses in their Centre and call the teachings Agama. The Agama Centre Charter does not automatically convey the authority to teach Workshops or Retreats, the Teachers Title and empowerment determines this.

Examples showing how this system works:

• A Yellow Charter Agama Centre which can teach up to Agama’s Level 14 in the curriculum, yet at the same time in that Agama Centre there is only a teacher who has a Title 1 (Parichaya) physically present. In such a situation, although the Agama Centre has the license to teach up to Level 14, there is no teacher of the appropriate competence, and therefore only classes of Level 1-3 may be taught by that Title 1 teacher. Teaching in an Agama Centre does not allow an Agama Teacher to teach beyond their Teacher Title mandate.

• An Agama ADVANCED TEACHER / Yoga Adhyapaka attends an Agama Centre that has only a Red Charter that Teacher will be allowed to exceed the charter of that Agama Centre and have higher level courses recognised in the Agama system by paying a Temporary Charter Increase for students registered in those classes. All classes must be taught to the minimum standard of student experience including lectures and practice held in an Agama Centre environment.

Yoga Levels 1-3 are able to be taught by any Title Teacher in or outside an Agama Centre. To offer a sash exam and to teach Agama Yoga level 4 or higher requires an Active Agama Teacher ADVANCED INSTRUCTOR / Yoga Shikshaka in an Agama Centre of the appropriate Charter.


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Opening An Agama Centre

Only Active Agama Teachers with approved applications may initiate an Agama Centre. Active Teachers may have a business partnership, guarantor or sponsor for their Agama Centre but must hold the controlling interest in the Centre in their own name and have the final legal authority to decide what happens within that Agama Centre.

To Initiate an Agama Studio or Centre requires an approval process:

  • The prospective Agama Centre Principal to send an email to

  • The legal (on passport) Name, Address and current contact details of the Agama Centre Principal. This person is responsible for the integrity of Agama Teachings held within the Centre. An Agama Centre cannot operate without a Principal. Notarised copies of identification of the Principal such as current passport and driver’s license to the international standard of 100 points.

Once the application is approved, an establishment process:

  • The business name registration documents and/or proof of incorporation and ownership documents proper to the country of operation. The business name must not contain the word Agama. The brand name however may contain the name Agama if approved. A brand manual will be provided by Agama. The ownership of the name cannot be given to a third party. 

  • The Agama Principal must have the controlling interest in this business.

    Display the Agama Name and Logo in a certain size, font and layout according to the terms specified in the licensing agreement.

    Agama must not be represented as a sub-brand of any other brand.

For more information regarding initiating Agama Centres please contact

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