
The current Agama Tantra Initiation program (ATI) fee is THB 126,000 (THB 10,000 of that is made as a non-refundable deposit).

The tuition fee does not include meals or accommodation. For more information about accommodation (including resort recommendations), travel tips, visa information and details, information about food and local attractions, etc., please refer to our FAQ page

Program Acceptance and Deposit to Hold Reservation

Every ATI applicant must submit a deposit in the amount of THB 10,000 along with the application, in order to be considered for acceptance to the program. This deposit must be made on the event booking page using PayPal.

If Agama does not accept a student for participation, the full ATI deposit amount (THB 10,000) will be refunded to the applicant's PayPal account.

If Agama accepts a student for participation in the course requested, the deposit will be held in reserve upon approval notification to the student. ATI participants will need to pay the balance of the tuition by 10 weeks prior to the course start date.

Payment for the remainder of the tuition is made on the same booking page as that where the deposit is made.

Full tuition payment will constitute reconfirmation of a participant's place in the course. If the full tuition balance has not been paid by these payment deadlines, a participant's position will be considered forfeited.

Agama will not be held responsible for participants’ payment errors or inability to use the PayPal system, personal problems with their credit card account or credit limit, power outages or Internet inaccessibility, bank holidays, etc. These guidelines are given well in advance of these deadlines to give participants the opportunity to verify all of these factors and not to be surprised at the last moment. Please take advantage of this advance notice to investigate your account maximums, account functionality, etc. We advise you to handle your payment issues well in advance of these tuition payment deadlines as we will not be able to extend exceptions at such a late date to those who find themselves unprepared to pay for the course.

Withdrawal after Acceptance to the Program

A student who has been accepted to the Agama Tantra Initiation program may withdraw himself or herself by email notification if more than 10 weeks prior to the course start date by writing to A student who notifies us of his or her intention to withdraw by this deadline will receive half the deposit returned, i.e., THB 5,000, by PayPal transfer.

Students withdrawing 10 weeks or less prior to the course start date will not receive any refund of their deposits.

Note that students who are accepted to the waiting list and have not yet been accepted to the ATI may request a full refund of their course deposit at any point if they choose to withdraw from the waiting list. Once accepted to the ATI, however, the guidelines outlined above governing deposit refunds apply.

Selections and Refund Policy

Participants will be evaluated with emphasis given to their levels of enthusiasm, dedication, and aspiration. If Swami Vivekananda feels that within the first two weeks a participant has not demonstrated the necessary qualities to successfully complete the ATI s/he will be refunded two-thirds of the tuition fee. No refund will be given after this point in the program.

If a student withdraws from the ATI after the tuition payment deadline has passed, we will refund 50 percent of the tuition paid (minus deposit) up to seven days before the start of the ATI. After that, there will be no more refunds if the applicant withdraws.


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