In considering whether or not to enroll in the Agama Tantra Initiation program, let it be emphasized that this is an intensive seven-week course. Please do not underestimate the mental and physical demands which will be placed on participants. We ask that you seriously evaluate your levels of physical, psychological, and spiritual maturity before enrolling in this course.

Please read the following statements. By checking the signature box on the application form, an applicant signifies that he or she has read, understood, and agreed to accept the terms set forth.

  • The ATI is structured with the best intentions toward helping me become a successful tantric practitioner, and extensive consideration has been put into the schedule and methodology presented. I commit to do my best to participate according to the course structure. If I have specific personal needs, yogic or otherwise, I will discuss them with an ATI administrator.
  • By virtue of being an intensive program, the ATI may raise personal issues or shortcomings. The program is meant to encourage personal growth and, therefore, may impel considerable changes in attitude. For these reasons, the ATI can be challenging and demanding. I accept responsibility for all aspects of my behavior during this program.
  • Adherence to punctuality is one of the primary factors in the success of the ATI. I accept responsibility for being on time to all program sessions.
  • There will be many opportunities for practice, study, and other activities at the school. I accept responsibility for managing my time, diet, and personal relationships in ways which support my full participation and attendance in the ATI.
  • According to the Agama system, it is necessary to maintain a level of cleanliness and purity in combination with Yoga practice in order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of yogic practices, especially within a Kundalini-based program. I agree to accept that, for the duration of the ATI, any and all use of tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit substances is expressly forbidden and can prove to be grounds for expulsion from the course.
  • Agama students come from a variety of countries and backgrounds. In order to create a supportive environment, I assume responsibility for maintaining an attitude of respect toward my colleagues in the course. If any interpersonal difficulties or conflicts arise, I pledge to seek the advice of the ATI teachers and administrators.
  • Agama offers spiritual teachings, outside the parameters of any one specific religion. The ATI raises issues that are metaphysical in nature, concepts and theories that may challenge my personal belief system. I agree to keep an open mind, and to exercise common sense, discernment, and a balanced attitude in order to fully appreciate the teachings offered.
  • After completion of the program, I understand that I am not empowered to teach Agama Tantra in any way.

ATI Participant Agreement

The Agama Tantra Initiation Participant Agreement is designed to create a sacred space of physical and psychological safety, and spiritual protection, for all participants throughout the duration of the ATI.

I hereby declare that I have read and understood all information provided to me about preparing for and participating in the Agama Tantra Initiation and agree to the following declarations and consents:

  • I confirm that all my answers and other information which I submitted to attend the ATI were true and complete when given and remain true and complete at the date of this Declaration, and that I did not omit relevant, responsive information.
  • I accept that the ATI is a seven-week intensive experiential educational program based on psychological and spiritual principles that may, or may not, assist in personal growth. I understand that the ATI facilitators are not generally licensed psychiatrists or psychologists. I further understand that the ATI process is not intended to be psychotherapy or medical therapy or a substitute for either.
  • I do not have any doubts about my mental health, emotional stability, or physical ability to fully participate in the ATI.
  • I accept that the ATI offers no guarantee of success from participation in the course with physical, emotional, or mental complaints, nor with improvement in general well-being. I accept full responsibility for my own participation in the ATI and for all results.
  • I have freely decided to participate in the ATI, a psychological process that may uncover old wounds and anxieties. As such it is likely that, in facing these past traumas, I may well experience during the process periods of emotional discomfort. I understand the facilitators will make every effort to help me through this discomfort.
  • I understand that the ATI facilitators intend to be respectful and compassionate in order to help participants move through old behaviors and self-beliefs. However, I am aware that during the process, there may be times when I may experience their behavior as challenging or confrontational. If I feel undue pressure, I will speak to the main facilitator.
  • I am voluntarily choosing to participate in the course, and I feel sufficiently informed to make this choice. I agree to notify a course leader or assistant immediately if I experience any physical, mental or emotional symptoms that I consider to be unusual.
  • I agree that the ATI is a private and personal experience for each participant. As such, I agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants and facilitators and their remarks and actions, and I agree to keep all such information private and confidential.
  • I agree to keep secure all printed and audio materials related to the program, and not to discuss any details of the program activities, teachings, or rituals with anyone who is not an Agama Initiate (that is, anyone who is not either a graduate of the ATI or an active Agama Tantra teacher). When I share my own process, I commit to doing it in a way that does not reveal what happened in the ATI program. I accept that no recording without permission is permitted.
  • I agree not to attempt to recreate any activities from the ATI in any future teaching, leading or facilitating, without specific written permission and appropriate training from Agama (GM and Swami).
  • I understand that the ATI will have nudity and sexual interactions. I take full responsibility for the degree that I decide to participate in such exercises and understand that none of them are obligatory. I take full responsibility for my boundaries and sexual safety.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to have someone to make love to for the at-home synchronized rituals.
  • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the ATI at any point for any reason. I understand that I am responsible for notifying the main facilitator before I choose to leave. If I feel I need assistance from anyone, professional or otherwise, I take full responsible for leaving the ATI process and obtaining it for myself. I acknowledge that it is not recommended to leave before the process is complete. If I withdraw from the ATI for any reason whatsoever, no part of the ATI fee shall be refunded.
  • I acknowledge and agree that if the facilitators perceive my presence as detrimental to the other participants, it may result in immediate exclusion from the course without compensation or refund.

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